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Years after the dust has settled on the Essex Crossing mega-development, new construction on the Lower East Side has by no means ground to a halt. Smaller-scale projects continue to rise throughout the neighborhood, including two new boutique buildings a short distance from the complex: Sales lau...
New York City’s office market remains in flux. With hybrid work shrinking demand for traditional office space, some landlords of Class B and C buildings are looking for new ways to revitalize their aging buildings. Converting outdated office buildings into residential homes has been one promising...
Paul Whalen is a partner at the world-renowned architecture firm Robert A.M. Stern Architects (RAMSA). Whalen is a master at infusing the best of 20th-century traditional co-op design with the conveniences and necessities of 21st-century modern lifestyles. CityRealty caught up with Whalen to talk...



Price / FT2


Condos (avg price / ft2)
Co-ops (avg price / ft2)
As the holiday season gives way to the new year, it is not uncommon for sellers to temporarily remove their listings from the market only to relist them at slightly lower prices once the seasonal activities have died down. This could explain why over 200 condos, co-ops, condops, and townhouses th...
On the third full week of January 2025, Manhattan residential contracts experienced a sharp drop. The Martin Luther King Jr. Day federal holiday on Monday, January 20 might have led to fewer contracts being signed by default, and Olshan quips that plunging temperatures could have led to a plunge ...
Manhattan Sales: For the week ending January 24, 2025, $257,278,458 worth of transactions across 135 condo, condop, and cooperative deals were recorded 61 condo sales came to an aggregate price of $160,213,108 Seven condop sales came to an aggregate price of $5,999,675 67 co-op sales came t...
In the wake of a 2005 rezoning, Brooklyn’s formerly industrial 4th Avenue has spent the past few years welcoming new residential development. One of the most recent and striking examples is Lumina, an 11-story condominium on the corner of 20th Street and 4th Avenue that makes a bold statement wit...
At the northeast corner of Third Avenue and East 23rd Street, at the meeting of Kips Bay and Gramercy, a new mixed-use condo development has made a modest mark on the Manhattan skyline. Rising from 201 East 23rd Street (aka 301 Third Avenue), the 7,200-square-foot corner lot sits two short blocks...
According to census data, New York leads “no-car households” in the United States by a comfortable margin. Over 56% of households do not own even one car, nearly 20 percentage points more than second-place finisher Washington DC. Of New York car owners, a closer look by the NYC EDC found that onl...
Manhattan Sales: For the week ending January 17, 2025, $361,554,293 worth of transactions across 183 condo, condop, and cooperative deals were recorded 93 condo sales came to an aggregate price of $192,683,613 Five condop sales came to an aggregate price of $14,125,000 85 co-op sales came t...
Perhaps due to seasonality, residential inventory is down all over New York as of this writing. Scarcity like this can't help but drive prices up, though CityRealty data shows that prices have been climbing, especially in prime residential neighborhoods, over the past several months.As a result, ...
Winter is technically only one month in as of this writing, but New York has already avoided the “snow drought” of the past few years: Manhattan saw about two inches of snow on the winter solstice in December 2024, and about 1.6 inches of snow were recorded in Central Park following a recent week...

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