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456 Broome Street - SoHo
456 Broome Street - SoHo
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456 Broome Street

456 Broome Street

Co-op located in SoHo, between Mercer Street & Greene Street  Map

Overview of 456 Broome Street

456 Broome Street is a handsome boutique cooperative consisting of two four-story buildings with four loft homes each. It is distinguished by its cast iron façade, marble detailing, and Corinthian columns. It is located on the corner of Mercer Street in the Soho Cast Iron Historic District, and surplus income from the coop-owned retail space is used to offset building expenses.

Year Built
Min Down
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in Building


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  • Elevator

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Looking for something special? Select off-market options at 456 Broome Street may be available – connect with us for access.

{ "key" : "AIzaSyDquABdSLhathmwfnoTcYwA1BY6coZZyZk", "lat": 40.72247, "lng": -74.00068, "marker": { "icon": "" } }

Nearby Subways

  1. 6
at Lafayette 0.19 miles
  1. N
  2. R
at Broadway 0.20 miles
  1. J
  2. Z
  3. Q
at Broadway 0.21 miles
  1. A
  2. C
  3. E
at Thompson 0.26 miles
  1. 1
at Varick 0.29 miles
  1. M
  2. B
  3. D
  4. F
at Houston 0.31 miles

Sales History

Price/Room (Est)

Why are we displaying the estimated price per room?

For some co-ops, instead of price per square foot, we use an estimate of the number of rooms for each sold apartment to chart price changes over time. This is because many co-op listings do not include square footage information, and this makes it challenging to calculate accurate square-foot averages.

By displaying the price per estimated room count, we are able to provide a more reliable and consistent metric for comparing sales in the building. While we hope that this gives you a clearer sense of price trends in the building, all data should be independently verified. All data provided are only estimates and should not be used to make any purchase or sale decision.

Price/Ft2 (Est)
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