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The Hill, 1325 Herkimer Street: Review and Ratings
The Hill, 1325 Herkimer Street
Condo in Bedford-Stuyvesant
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Carter Horsley's Building Review Carter Horsley
Mar 27, 2019
  • #4 in Bedford-Stuyvesant

Carter's Review

This attractive, 5-story building at 1325 Herkimer Street between Rockaway Avenue and Eastern Parkway in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn was erected in 2019 and has 32 condominium apartments.

It was developed by Scott Kushnick.

It was designed by Isaac and Stern Architects, whose other buildings include 627 Greenwich Street, 10 Lenox Avenue and 50 Clinton Street in Manhattan and 609-619 4th Avenue in Brooklyn and 136-21 Hillside Avenue in Queens.

Greater Trinity Temple Church of God in Christ formerly occupied the site.



Bottom Line

An attractive, modern, 5-story apartment building in the Ocean Hill section of Bedford-Stuyvesant in Brooklyn.



The building's ground floor is faced with gray metal and the second floor is red brick.

The center of the façade is of red brick while it is flanked by glass with corner windows. 

The top floor is setback.



The building has a roof deck, 16 parking spaces and 16 bike parking spots on the first floor, a fitness center, storage, a bicycle room and a laundry.  The building is pet-friendly.



Apartments have washers and dryers, Pella windows and 9-foot ceilings.  Kitchens have Nolte cabinetry and stainless steel appliances from Samsung and Fisher & Playkel.

Apartment 102 is a one-bedroom duplex unit with 1,150 square feet of interior space and 849 square feet of outdoor space with a 17-foot-long living room with a 7-foot-long enclosed kitchen and a large private garden and stairs up to a 20-foot-long recreation room with a patio.

Apartment 502 is a two-bedroom unit with 836 square feet of interior space and 322 square feet of external space with an 18-foot-long living room, an 8-foot-long, enclosed kitchen and a terrace.

Apartment 405 is a two-bedroom unit with 870 square feet of interior space and 66 square feet of external space with a 17-foot-long living room and an enclosed, 8-foot-long kitchen.

Apartment 408 is a one-bedroom unit with 622-square feet of interior space and 59 square feet of external space with a 16-foot-long living room and a 7-foot-long enclosed kitchen.



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