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One Clinton, 280 Cadman Plaza West: Floorplans
One Clinton, 280 Cadman Plaza West
Condo in Brooklyn Heights
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One Clinton, 280 Cadman Plaza West: Floorplans

between Pierrepont Street & Cadman Plaza West View Full Building Profile


one bedroom Floorplans

Apt 7B
Approx. 932 ft2
Apt 8B
Approx. 932 ft2
Apt 9B
Approx. 932 ft2
Apt 12B
Approx. 932 ft2
Apt 14B
Approx. 907 ft2
Apt 20B
Approx. 907 ft2
Apt 22B
Approx. 907 ft2
Apt 23B
Approx. 907 ft2
Apt 24B
Approx. 907 ft2
Apt 3B
Approx. 1,136 ft2

two bedroom Floorplans

Apt 34C
Approx. 1,933 ft2
Apt 35C
Approx. 1,933 ft2
Apt 37C
Approx. 1,933 ft2
Apt 4G
Approx. 1,853 ft2
Apt 5C
Approx. 1,679 ft2
Apt 3E
Approx. 1,671 ft2
Apt 4E
Approx. 1,637 ft2
Apt 4J
Approx. 1,637 ft2
Apt 5E
Approx. 1,637 ft2
Apt 4F
Approx. 1,622 ft2

three bedroom Floorplans

Apt 19A
Approx. 1,993 ft2
Apt 28C
Approx. 3,184 ft2
Apt 30C
Approx. 3,184 ft2
Apt 32C
Approx. 3,184 ft2
Apt 5A
Approx. 2,249 ft2
Apt 15D
Approx. 2,176 ft2
Apt 21D
Approx. 2,176 ft2
Apt 22D
Approx. 2,176 ft2
Apt 23D
Approx. 2,176 ft2
Apt 24D
Approx. 2,176 ft2

four bedroom Floorplans

Apt 37A
Approx. 4,099 ft2
Apt 27B
Approx. 2,563 ft2
Apt 29B
Approx. 2,563 ft2
Apt 30B
Approx. 2,562 ft2
Apt 26B
Approx. 2,560 ft2
Apt 34B
Approx. 2,484 ft2
Apt 29A
Approx. 2,308 ft2
Apt 30A
Approx. 2,308 ft2
Apt 31A
Approx. 2,308 ft2
Apt 32A
Approx. 2,308 ft2

five bedroom Floorplans

Apt 36B
Approx. 4,242 ft2
Apt 38B
Approx. 4,241 ft2

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