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1067 Fifth Avenue: Review and Ratings
1067 Fifth Avenue
Doorman Co-Op in Carnegie Hill
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Carter Horsley's Building Review Carter Horsley
Dec 23, 2011
  • #22 in Carnegie Hill

Carter's Review

This 13-story, limestone-clad apartment building at 1067 Fifth Avenue was designed by C. P. H. Gilbert in 1917 and was the only the avenue's second apartment building on the Upper East Side.

It was designed in the Francois I style that Gilbert used to more elaborate effect for the great mansion at 2 East 79th Street on the southeast corner at Fifth Avenue in 1899.

The mid-block building was once flanked by elegant mansions including one that belonged to Henry Phipps just to the south.

The building exudes a great sense of strength because of its inset windows and simple borders.

It has a curved entrance beneath the canopy that has fabulous salamanders and lizards and perhaps petite dragons scurrying about much to the apparent serene delight of putti heads flanking the entrance at the bottom of the first floor window frames.

Half a block from the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and a block-and-a-half north of the 86th Street westbound bus, this building has a quiet and very fine Carnegie Hill location across from Central Park.

The sedate but very charming building has few apartments, numerous arched windows, and sidewalk landscaping but no garage.

Despite the assured elegance of 1067 Fifth Avenue, one can't help wondering how spectacular Fifth Avenue would have been if all the mansions of "Millionaire's Row" had survived and been preserved and their air-rights transferred to Madison Avenue. We, when confronted with both dragons and putti, one is tempted to have pipe dreams....

One Domino Square
between South 3rd Street & South 4th Street
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