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1160 Fifth Avenue: Review and Ratings
1160 Fifth Avenue: Review and Ratings
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Carter Horsley's Building Review Carter Horsley
Dec 23, 2011

Carter's Review

This pre-war, neo-Georgian-style apartment building at 1160 Fifth Avenue on the northeast corner at 97th Street is six-stories tall and has a canopied entrance facing Central Park.

The building, which is also known as 1 East 97th Street, has 70 rental apartments.

It was built and designed by Fred F. French Co., in 1923.

Bottom Line

A very elegant, low-rise building developed by Fred F. French Co., is a few blocks south of Mt. Sinai Hospital and a few  block north of Museum Mile on Fifth Avenue and many of the units have fireplaces.



The building has a deeply recessed entrance court facing Fifth Avenue and its front door is framed by tripled pilasters and a broken pediment with dentils and a classical urn.

It has a two-story, rusticated limestone base and limestone pilasters with elongated acanthus-leaf capitals run from the third through the fifth floors of the red-brick building that, according to the Carnegie Hill Architectural Guide published by Carnegie Hill Neighbors lead “the eye upward to a decorative entablature and one-story brick crown section” where “stone urns, echoing the entryway ornamental, punctuate the corners of the parapet.”  The guide also notes “wrought-iron Juliet balconies front third-story windows, which are embellished with scrolled keystones and garland swags.”


The building has a full-time doorman and sidewalk landscaping, but not garage, no sundeck and no balconies.


Some apartments have wood-burning fireplaces.

The penthouse has three bedrooms and a large entry foyer that leads to a large main hall that opens onto a 19-footlong living room with a fireplace and a 19-foot-loong dining room space next to the 19-foot-long enclosed kitchen.  The apartment also has a 12-foot-long study.

Apartment 302 is a four-bedroom unit that has an entry foyer and long hall that lead to the 21-foot-long living room with a fireplace that opens onto a 12-foot-square dining room next to the 12-foot-long enclosed kitchen.

Residence 5 is a two-bedroom unit that has a long entry foyer that opens onto a 20-foot-long living room with a wood-burning fireplace and an enclosed 15-foot-long dining room next to a 12-foot-long enclosed kitchen.

Residence 8 is a one-bedroom unit that has an entry foyer that opens onto a 18-foot-long living room with a wood-burning fireplace and an 12-foot-long enclosed kitchen.


At one point, Charles Mingus, the great jazz bassist, lived in the building, which is located at 1160 Fifth Avenue and is also known as 1 East 97th Street.

There is excellent bus service and there are many cultural and educational institutions nearby.


It is on the northeast corner of Fifth Avenue and 97th Street, where there is a west-bound cross-town bus stop.

It is close to Mt. Sinai Hospital and there are numerous museums and private schools in the vicinity.