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155 East 93rd Street: Review and Ratings
155 East 93rd Street
Doorman Co-Op in Carnegie Hill
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Carter Horsley's Building Review Carter Horsley
Dec 23, 2011

Carter's Review

This attractive, 11-story building was erected in 1927 and converted to a cooperative in 1982. It has 74 apartments.

The brown-brick building has an unusual canopied entrance that has a small attractive wrought-iron fence that runs parallel to the building with a slight ramp on one side and two steps on the other. The fenced area in front of the entrance is paved with gray granite. The building has sidewalk landscaping and a nice, small lobby. It has a two-story limestone entrance surround, a doorman and protruding air-conditioners, but no garage and no health club. The building has an exposed rooftop water-tank.

There is good local shopping in the area. The 92nd Street "Y," one of the city's leading cultural centers, is one block away and the neighborhood has many private schools and religious institutions. There is good public transportation nearby on 96th Street.

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