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50 West 96th Street: Review and Ratings
50 West 96th Street
Doorman Co-Op in Central Park West
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Carter Horsley's Building Review Carter Horsley
Dec 23, 2011

Carter's Review

This is one of the most attractive apartment buildings in the city. It is distinguished by very ornate and colorful terra-cotta decoration that is very spectacular.

The Italian Renaissance-palazzo-style building was erected in 1926 and converted to a cooperative in 1980. The 16-story, red-brick structure has 61 apartments.

The fanciful decorative elements are around the canopied entrance, the base and the top of the building. The building has a doorman, a nice, step-up lobby and arched windows on the second floor above the entrance.

This is the best mid-block building on this interesting street, which is anchored by the very imposing and impressive First Church of Christ Scientist at Central Park West. The block has considerable "light and air" not only because it is a major cross-street but also because it has many low-rise structures.

This is a one of the city's more dramatic neighborhoods as many of the sidestreets just to the south are among the loveliest in the city and several of the city's larger and better housing developments are nearby such as Park West Village to the north and the handsome towers of the West Side Urban Renewal Area along Columbus Avenue.

There is excellent cross-town bus service on this street and the Eighth Avenue subway has a station at Central Park West.

Carter B. Horsley

520 Fifth Avenue
at the northwest corner of West 43rd Street
Midtown West
Iconic river-to-river views include the Empire State Building and Central Park. Elevated condos with magnificent arched windows, triple exposures, and soaring ceilings | Occupancy 2026.
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