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225 West 17th Street: Review and Ratings
225 West 17th Street
Doorman Condo in Chelsea
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Carter Horsley's Building Review Carter Horsley
Jul 27, 2015

Carter's Review

The 10-story building at 225 West 17th Street between Seventh and Eighth avenues in Chelsea is a 14-unit residential condominium developed by Delshah Capital, of which Michael Shah is a principal.  It is expected to be completed in 2016.  Mr. Shah acquired the six-story building on the site in 2014 for $26.4 million.

Rogers Partners + Urban Designers, which is headed by Rob Rogers, formerly a partner with Rogers Marvel Architects, is the architect.

Neal Beckstedt is the interior designer.

Bottom Line

A neat and modest mid-block neighbor to the larger Walker Tower luxury residential development next door in Chelsea. 


The rear of the building will have a very articulated rear façade with large and deep balconies alternating their position on the top floors with large protruded rooms with large multi-paned fenestration giving the façade a very dynamic flair.

The building has a gray brick façade and large marquees over its entrance and ground floor retail space.  


The mid-block building, which is adjacent to the Walker Tower, has a doorman and storage.


The 7th through the 10th floors are full-floor units.

Apartment 9A is a three-bedroom unit with 2,474 square feet and a large entry foyer that opens onto a large great room with an open kitchen with an island just to the north of a living room with a fireplace.  A large terrace opens off the great room and a bedroom.

Apartment 4B is a two-bedroom unit with 1,490 square feet with a large great room with an open kitchen with an island and both bedrooms have balconies.

Apartment A on the 3rd through the 6th floors is a two-bedroom unit with 1,053 square feet with an entry foyer by a “seating area” and a large living/dining room with an open kitchen with an island.

One Domino Square
between South 3rd Street & South 4th Street
Spectacular Living on the Williamsburg Waterfront. One to three-bed condos by Annabelle Selldorf with wonderful views of NYC. Over 45,000 SF of amenities | Immediate Occupancy
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