Total Est. Monthly Carrying Cost:
$28,274 ($11.31/ft2)
Note: the above is based on a down payment of 20% ($819,000),
which is the minimum amount permitted by the building.
NO BOARD APPROVAL: Do not miss this remarkable West Chelsea home. The much heralded architect, Carmi Bee of RKT&B Architecture, has transformed several apartments into one spectacular home. Classic modern details combine with ultimate functionality to create a timeless and comfortable living environment.
Set on the south west corner in one of Chelsea’s most treasured buildings, London Terrace, the apartment is bathed with light through twenty large scale windows with views to the Hudson River, Highline Park and Ellis Island. Custom wrought iron doors, simple elegant built-ins, large scale rooms and huge closets are just a few of the specifics to this smart and well conceived space. A jewel in the heart of West Chelsea, London Terrace, is a beautiful full-service prewar building offering an incredible 75 X 35 foot swimming pool, saunas, historic gardens and an incredible workout facility.
The maintenance of the apartment includes all utilities and usage of amenities except for the gym where there is a small yearly fee. This wonderful home is a must see in this thriving West Chelsea neighborhood. Call today for a private viewing
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