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11 Hoyt Street: Floorplans
11 Hoyt Street
Condo in Downtown Brooklyn
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11 Hoyt Street: Floorplans

between Fulton Street & Livingston Street View Full Building Profile


studio Floorplans

Apt 36H
Approx. 616 ft2
Apt 27G
Approx. 505 ft2
Apt 10E
Approx. 480 ft2
Apt 11E
Approx. 480 ft2
Apt 15E
Approx. 480 ft2
Apt 35H
Approx. 479 ft2
Apt 22F
Approx. 475 ft2
Apt 7H
Approx. 470 ft2
Apt 12M
Approx. 466 ft2
Apt 14M
Approx. 466 ft2

one bedroom Floorplans

Apt 8A
Approx. 961 ft2
Apt 9A
Approx. 959 ft2
Apt 10A
Approx. 959 ft2
Apt 14A
Approx. 954 ft2
Apt 15A
Approx. 954 ft2
Apt 5A
Approx. 951 ft2
Apt 19B
Approx. 842 ft2
Apt 20B
Approx. 842 ft2
Apt 16B
Approx. 837 ft2
Apt 17B
Approx. 837 ft2

two bedroom Floorplans

Apt 16E
Approx. 1,339 ft2
Apt 17E
Approx. 1,339 ft2
Apt 19E
Approx. 1,320 ft2
Apt 21E
Approx. 1,320 ft2
Apt 23E
Approx. 1,320 ft2
Apt 24E
Approx. 1,320 ft2
Apt 10L
Approx. 1,267 ft2
Apt 37J
Approx. 1,264 ft2
Apt 7L
Approx. 1,258 ft2
Apt 8L
Approx. 1,258 ft2

three bedroom Floorplans

Apt 17H
Approx. 1,755 ft2
Apt 22H
Approx. 1,728 ft2
Apt 45A
Approx. 1,620 ft2
Apt 46H
Approx. 1,560 ft2
Apt 12F
Approx. 1,550 ft2
Apt 14F
Approx. 1,550 ft2
Apt 9F
Approx. 1,536 ft2
Apt 11F
Approx. 1,536 ft2
Apt 23J
Approx. 1,409 ft2
Apt 22C
Approx. 1,407 ft2

four bedroom Floorplans

Apt 37A
Approx. 1,926 ft2
Apt 5E
Approx. 2,722 ft2
Apt 56A
Approx. 2,074 ft2
Apt 41A
Approx. 1,956 ft2
Apt 42A
Approx. 1,956 ft2
Apt 36A
Approx. 1,926 ft2
Apt 5C
Approx. 2,983 ft2
Apt 54A
Approx. 2,074 ft2
Apt 43A
Approx. 1,956 ft2
Apt 39A
Approx. 1,951 ft2

five bedroom Floorplans

Apt 19H
Approx. 3,190 ft2

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