Total Est. Monthly Carrying Cost:
$18,393 ($7.07/ft2)
Note: the above is based on a down payment of 20% ($590,000),
which is the minimum amount permitted by the building.
Located on the Renwick Triangle and Central Village?s most beautiful tree-lined townhouse street, sits this 2,600 square foot Co-Op apartment. Within an Anglo-Italianate, 18?-wide, two-unit townhouse., built circa 1858 by famed architect James Renwick Jr. this apartment is the lower quadruplex which includes a private south-facing garden, some original details, and potential to configure as four (4) bedrooms, and three and one-half (3.5) bathrooms.
While in need of renovation, this apartment offers townhouse private living on four stories in the heart of the Village. Apartment also features washer/dryer and additional storage in the basement. No board approval required.
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