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238 East 4th Street: Review and Ratings
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Carter Horsley's Building Review Carter Horsley
Jun 15, 2018
  • #18 in East Village

Carter's Review

This modern 7-story building at 238 East 4th Street between Avenues A and B on the East Village was erected in 2009 and has only two condominium apartments. 

It was built by Sue Hostetler who kept the bottom four floors as her residence. 

The top duplex was acquired by Oscar Proust and Colleen Goujjane who are the owners of the One if by Land, Two if by Sea restaurant in Greenwich Village.  (The apartment was designed by Bob and Courtney Novogratz who had designed a 7,180-square-foot townhouse at 400 West Street in the West Village in 2009 with an indoor basketball court, a mural-clad garage, and a wood-burning pizza oven.)

Bottom Line

A luxurious modern, two-family, mid-block townhouse in the East Village between Avenues A and B.


The building has a plain white façade that is distinguished by a very modern glass-and-stainless-steel balcony on the second floor and dark wood doors on the ground floor. 

The second floor windows are two-part doors that open on the balcony and they are taller than the upper inset windows. 

The top floor is setback and has a glass railing instead of a cornice.


The building has a private garage that is part of the four-story lower apartment.


The lower apartment is a four-bedroom unit that has a 8-foot-long entry foyer that leads past a stairway to a 53-foot-long great room. Its second floor has a 21-foot-wide dining room facing the street and a 22-foot-kitchen and family room that opens onto a 29-foot-long garden.  The third floor has a 21-foot-wide bathroom facing the street and a 15-foot-wide master bedroom.  The fourth floor has three more bedrooms. 

The penthouse has three bedrooms on the 5th floor and a 31-foot-long living room with a fireplace and skylight and a 29-foot-long open kitchen/dining room with a stair to the 58-foot-long private roof terrace.

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