Total Est. Monthly Carrying Cost:
$44,405 ($5.87/ft2)
Note: the above is based on a down payment of 20% ($1,395,000),
which is the minimum amount permitted by the building.
54 Stone street is a unique building on the island of Manhattan. It is tucked safely on downtown’s scenic cobblestoned Stone street, affectionally known as "Restaurant Row, in a tiny historical area reminiscent of the old seaports of New Amsterdam and Boston. But just so you do not get confused as to where you are, it is surrounded by the skyscrapers that make up the financial center of the universe, never more than a few minutes from the many well-known restaurants, the South Street Seaport, Fulton Street Market and World-class shopping, and a "stone’s throw" from riverfront parks in every direction.
However, it’s what’s behind the decidedly understated entrance that is truly remarkable.
The 5th, 6th, and 7th floor can all be purchased together and combined in ways only limited by your imagination. The combination would have 7,800sf (interior), have 4 exposures, high ceilings throughout, plus a 1,200sf terrace. Almost, like a 35Ft wide townhouse with an elevator.
(if townhouses in Manhattan had 4 exposures)
Although space this large is hard to find anywhere on the island below 100th street, you will not find a space this large-priced below $1000/SF. And when you consider that the monthlies are well below $2/sf you know this is the one that makes all the fiscal sense in the world.
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