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1059 Manhattan Avenue: Review and Ratings
1059 Manhattan Avenue
Condo in Greenpoint
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Carter Horsley's Building Review Carter Horsley
Oct 28, 2016

Carter's Review

This attractive, 7-story, mid-block condominium project at 1059 Manhattan Avenue at Eagle Street in the Greenpoint section of Brooklyn was erected in 2015 and has 23 units. 

1059 Manhattan Gardens LLC of which Solomon Tyrnauer is an office was the developer. 

Asher Hershkowitz was the architect. 

It is two blocks from the East River and close to the G train. 

Bottom Line

A neat mid-block building in Greenpoint with lots of glass-railed balconies lightening its dark gray masonry façade.


A very attractive, dark gray, mid-rise, mid-block building has protruding glass-railed balconies at its sides and large inset balconies at its center and a partially set-back top floor. 

The building has no sidewalk landscaping.


The building has a roof deck, a bicycle room, storage and a double-door, key-fob entry system.


Apartments have washers and dryers and oak hardwood floors.  Bathrooms have glass-enclosed showers with rain-style shower heads. 

Penthouse A is a two-bedroom unit with 1,237 square feet of internal space and a 34-foot-wide terrace and a Juliet balcony.  It has an entry foyer that leads past a 14-foot-long open, pass-through kitchen to a 20-foot-long living room that opens onto the terrace. 

Apartment 2D is a two-bedroom unit  with 849 square feet of internal space and 953 square feet of a lower terrace and 171 square feet of an upper terrace.  It has a 16-foot-long living room and a 13-foot-wide open kitchen. 

Penthouse B is a one-bedroom unit with 657 square feet of internal space and two terraces with 177 square feet.  It has a 16-foot-long living room and a 13-foot-long open kitchen. 

Apartment 6C is a studio unit with 486 square feet of internal space and a 50-square-foot balcony.  It has a 16-foot-long living room with an open, pass-through kitchen. 

One United Nations Park
between East 39th Street & East 40th Street
Murray Hill
One United Nations Park is an unprecedented interplay of privacy and light—a balance that reflects the architecture’s bold exterior and luminous interiors.
Learn More

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One United Nations Park - Exterior View - Building One United Nations Park - Exterior/Interior View - Terrace and Living Room One United Nations Park - Interior - Corner View - Living Room One United Nations Park - Interior - Living Room - View of ESB One United Nations Park - Interior View - Colorful Living Room

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