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Manhattan East, 315 East 65th Street: Review and Ratings
Manhattan East, 315 East 65th Street: Review and Ratings
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Carter Horsley's Building Review Carter Horsley
Dec 23, 2011

Carter's Review

This pleasant, 12-story, mid-block apartment building was erected in 1962. It is a cooperative and has 134 apartments.

It has extensive sidewalk landscape with spiked planters, a concierge, a marquee and canopy entrance, consistent fenestration and protruding air-conditioners. It has no balconies, no garage and no health club. It is just to the west of six nice townhouses, each with high-walled front yards. It is across the street from an attractive, red-brick apartment tower with a first floor with arches.

This is a bustling area close to the Manhattan entrance to the Queensborough Bridge and not far from Rockefeller University along the East River. While there are some old tenement buildings on this block, nearby are large luxury apartment towers and the neighborhood has a variety of stores and restaurants.

There is good cross-town bus service on 67th Street.

Carter B. Horsley

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