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Flatiron conversion
By Carter Horsley   |   From Archives Wednesday, July 27, 2005
The 8-story, pre-war building at 10 East 18th Street that goes through the block to 7 East 17th Street is being converted to 16 condominium apartments.

The building's narrow 18th Street frontage is mostly taken up by fire escapes. The building, which is between Fifth Avenue and Broadway, has a two-story rusticated limestone base and a bright but small lobby. It has no doorman, no garage and no sidewalk landscaping. It has an exposed rooftop watertank and is next to a garage. It has arched windows on the second floor.

It is convenient to the Flatiron and Chelsea districts.
Architecture Critic Carter Horsley Since 1997, Carter B. Horsley has been the editorial director of CityRealty. He began his journalistic career at The New York Times in 1961 where he spent 26 years as a reporter specializing in real estate & architectural news. In 1987, he became the architecture critic and real estate editor of The New York Post.

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