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While most multi-family dwellings in New York City fall into neatly defined categories (e.g., co-op or condo, walk-up or elevator building), any property that contains two or more units is a multi-family dwelling. Buying a multiple-family dwelling (e.g., a duplex, triplex, or house with a legal b...
If you’re about to put your unit on the market, begin by taking time out to conduct a home audit. Do you feel like your apartment is cluttered? Does it need a paint job? Would you love more storage? If this wasn’t your own home, would the bathroom feel grungy? Do your kitchen appliances look like...
In loft buildings dating back to the mid-19th century, exposed timber columns, joists, and ceiling beams add a note of historic charm to a converted home. But between new building techniques, a rise in popularity, and revised building codes, a number of 21st century buildings are coming to embrac...



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Pricing based on the past 12 month sales
The Global Wellness Institute recently reported that the U.S. wellness market has surpassed $2 trillion. In New York City, every new residential building competes to offer the most enticing amenities. But what if those amenities could actually save you money? We analyzed the value of amenities a...
Top 10 Quirks of NYC real estate
By Cait Etherington   |   From Get To Know Thursday, February 20, 2025
In some cities, people talk about the weather because it is the one topic to which everyone can relate. In New York City, people talk about real estate. Real estate, perhaps more than any other factor, defines one’s experience of the city. It is also a common and chronic source of complaint. From...
In a perfect storm of New York City real estate events, Covid emptied office buildings, which were already becoming defunct as modern work spaces, at a time when the housing supply couldn’t meet the demand. Suddenly office-to-residential conversions - which worked well as a redevelopment tool in ...
According to The Elliman Report, Manhattan listing inventory in Q4 2024 was down about 15% year-over-year as compared to Q4 2023. This was especially pronounced in certain sectors -- co-op inventory was down nearly 20%, and luxury listing inventory declined 18%, notable given its rise in previous...
Chris Jiashu Xu, founder and president of United Construction and Development, has established his firm as one of Queens’ leading developers. Since its founding in 1996, the company has built a diverse portfolio of residential condominiums, hotels, and commercial properties. In 2020, Xu completed...
If you live in New York City and feel like your coop or condo fees are rising more quickly than they did in the past, you're not imagining things. Since pre-pandemic times, fees have spiked citywide. In 2023, Bloomberg reported that fees had risen at a pace three times higher than inflation since...
Manhattan's residential market typically experiences an uptick in the weeks leading to spring, and, despite cold weather and political and economic turmoil, the second full week of February 2025 was no exception. The number of contracts signed experienced a week-over-week uptick with the aggregat...
Many new buildings talk a big game about the jaw-dropping views and luxurious amenities to be enjoyed on their roof decks, but the roofs themselves tend to be aesthetically uninspired and a mish-mash of mechanical units and a cacophony of thoughtless enclosures. There is something to be said for ...

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