Off the heels of their half-sold Harlem condo, Morningside Manor, M Development and Leyden Lewis Studio have partnered up again for a small collection of homes in northern Greenpoint. Addressed at 161 Dupont Street, between McGuinness Boulevard and Manhattan Avenue, the building will bring six full-floor condos each with its own private outdoor space.
Renderings published on M Development’s website show a simple and clean façade with a minimalist lobby to match. Per a recent pass by the site, the building has topped out and the façade is beginning to come together. One-bedroom condos in Greenpoint are priced at a median of $795K and two-bedrooms for $1.449M. Construction should finish by year-end. Stay tuned for listings.
New Developments Editor
Ondel Hylton
Ondel is a lifelong New Yorker and comprehensive assessor of the city's dynamic urban landscape.