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Our GE Image showing (albeit a shorter modelled) 325-foot tower on JTS's campus; CityRealty Our GE Image showing (albeit a shorter modelled) 325-foot tower on JTS's campus; CityRealty
In December we brought you word that the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) filed permits to build a new academic building on their half-block wide campus in Morningside Heights. The 130-year-old academic institution sold roughly 260,000 square feet of air rights to the developers Savannah Real Estate Fund for $96 million. Now an application has been filed for a sizeable tower rising to 33 stories, 528 feet in height. SLCE is listed as the architects of record and the building will accommodate 170 units, rumored to be condos. Per the floor schedule, there will be a 68-car parking garage and between 2 and 7 apartments, per floor, from levels two through thirty-two.

The building will be the tallest on Manhattan's west side, north of the 545-foot tall Millennium Tower on West 67th Street. Upper floor units will offer helicopter views of Manhattan and look down on the 380-foot tall Riverside Church which has served as the sole beacon tower in the neighborhood for nearly a century. The filing comes in the wake of the Morningside Historic District designation by the Landmarks Preservation Commission which will oversee a district of 116 buildings between West 109th Street and 119th Street, just south of JTS’ campus.
JTS-TOwer Older visions of a tower rising from JTS' campus; via Jack L. Gordon Architects (JLGA) and Morningside Heights Historic District Committee

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Vandewater, 543 West 122nd Street
Vandewater, 543 West 122nd Street Morningside Heights
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Much of the courtyarded campus has already been demolished with only its original Broadway wing overlooking the 1-train’s subway tunnel entrance. JTS plans to use the sale proceeds to fund a $96 million multi-year modernization which will build a new residence hall, performing arts space, and a new library that will house the institution's rare collection of Judaic books, manuscripts, and scrolls. Acclaimed architects, Tod Williams and Billie Tsien will be designing the new academic spaces.
1080-Rear-Broadway JTS photo via Curbed/ The Jewish Theological Seminary Facebook page
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