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320 West 86th Street: Review and Ratings
320 West 86th Street
Doorman Co-Op in Riverside Dr./West End Ave.
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Carter Horsley's Building Review Carter Horsley
Dec 23, 2011

Carter's Review

This apartment building is one of three very impressive, nearly identical, adjoining buildings on this very handsome block.The other two are Nos. 310 and 302. All share a very ornate three-story-high entrance surround and have decorated pilasters surrounds around the windows at either end of each building on the top two floors.This and 310 have equally impressive and stunning lobbies that are among the most ornate in the city. The step-up lobbies are lavishly adorned with terracotta ornamentation with a dark brown glaze, although the elevator doors are modern and rather plain.This 13-story building has 68 apartments and was converted to a cooperative in 1981.This quiet block is one of the more impressive cross-blocks on the Upper West Side with several distinguished buildings.This building and No. 3 1 0 has a half-story granite base and a canopied entrance flanked by handsome bronze lanterns. The lanterns at No. 302 are different.The building has a doorman and permits protruding air-conditioners, but has no concierge, no garage, no sidewalk landscaping and no health club.It is a few steps from Riverside Park to the west and there is excellent cross-town bus service a block away to the east. There is a subway station at 86th Street and Broadway and this neighborhood has excellent shopping and restaurants and a movie complex is also close by as are several religious institutions.

ONE11 Residences
between Sixth Avenue & Seventh Avenue
Midtown West
Billionaires’ Row residences with park views and hotel services. Elevated one- to four- bed condos from $1.295M. Reduced pricing | Immediate occupancy
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