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The Armstead, 245 West 104th Street: Review and Ratings
The Armstead, 245 West 104th Street
Doorman Co-Op in Riverside Dr./West End Ave.
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Carter Horsley's Building Review Carter Horsley
Jan 14, 2014
  • #33 in Riverside Dr./West End Ave.

Carter's Review

This handsome apartment building at 245 West 104th Street on the northwest corner at Broadway was erected in 1926 and was converted to a co-operative in 1982

It is known as the Armstead and was designed by Gronenberg & Leuchtag, whose other Manhattan buildings include 50 and 110 Riverside Drive, 235 and 639 West End Avenue, 1230 Park Avenue, 29 and 37 Washington Square East, 17 West 67th Street, Clifton House at 127 West 79th Street, 245 East 72nd Street, 325 East 79th Street, and the Greeley Square office building at 875 Sixth Avenue on the northwest corner at 31st Street and the former Park Central Hotel on the west side of Seventh Avenue between 55th and 56th Streets.

The 16-story building has 82 apartments.

Bottom Line

An elegant and understated pre-war apartment building in an area that has undergone a lot of upgrading in recent years.


The building has a two-story stone base and a beige-brick façade with bandcourses above the second and 12th floors and the third and 14th floors have groups of window surrounds. 

The building has sidewalk landscaping and a corner rope quoin.  It also has some protruding air-conditioners and a scalloped cornice.

It has retail space on Broadway.


The building has a doorman, a live-in superintendent, a bicycle room, and storage.  Pets are allowed.


Apartment 16F is a two-bedroom unit that has an 11-foot-wide entry foyer that leads to a 20-foot-long living room and to a 14-foot-long eat-in kitchen.  There is an angled hall to a 16-foot-long master bedroom with an angled wall.

Apartment 11D is a two-bedroom unit that has a small entry foyer that opens onto a 15-foot-wide gallery that leads in one direction to an 18-foot-long living room and in the other to a 17-foot-long dining room next to an 11-foot-long partially enclosed kitchen with a pass-through counter.  One of the bedrooms has an angled window.

Apartments 6E is a two-bedroom unit that has a 16-foot-long entry foyer that leads past a 14-foot-long enclosed kitchen to a 21-foot-long living room.

Apartment 6B is a two-bedroom unit that has a long entry foyer that leads to a long gallery that opens onto an 18-foot-long living room that is angled across from a 19-foot-long dining room that is next to a 10-foot-long maid’s room and a 13-foot-long kitchen.

Apartment 6C is a two-bedroom unit that has a 16-foot-long entrance gallery that leads to a 21-foot-long living room with an angled entrance across from a 9-foot-long dining alcove next to a 13-foot-long kitchen.

Apartment 9C is a two-bedroom unit that has an entry foyer that leads past a 21-foot-long living room to a 13-foot-long dining room next to a 13-foot-long open kitchen.

255 East 77th Street
between Second Avenue & Third Avenue
Lenox Hill
A masterwork by Robert A.M.Stern on the UES. Two- to six-bed condos with grand proportions and Central Park views. Selling Quickly | 2026 Occupancy.
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