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175 Franklin Street: Review and Ratings
175 Franklin Street: Review and Ratings
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Carter Horsley's Building Review Carter Horsley
Feb 11, 2018

Carter's Review

This attractive, 6-story, mid-block building at 175 Franklin Street in TriBeCa was erected as a cheese factory in 1890 and designed by Martin V. B. Ferdon.  It has five rental apartments. It is owned by Bahram Benaresh. 

It is on a cobblestone street between Hudson and Greenwich streets, a half-block away from the handsome towers of Independence Plaza on Greenwich Street. 

The building has some ground-floor retail space.

Bottom Line

A pleasant, red-brick, mid-block building with floor-through apartments in a prime TriBeCa location.


This attractive, red-brick building has an attractive façade with alternating arched window treatments on the third and fifth floors. 

The building has a dark green façade on its ground floor and a handsome dentilated cornice.



Keyed elevator, package room and a remote-controlled front door system.


Apartments have 12-foot-high ceilings and Nest thermostat controls in each room, voice-activated home automation, motorized shades, wireless light control, walk-in closets, SubZero refrigerators, and appliances by GE and Miele. 

Bathrooms have radiant heated floors, Toto washlets, Hastings vertical shower systems and Electrolux washers and dryers. 

Apartment 2 is a two-bedroom unit with a 30-foot-long living room that leads to a 12-foot-long dining room across from a 14-foot-long open kitchen with an island.