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90 Morton Street
Condo in West Village
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Carter Horsley's Building Review Carter Horsley
Oct 14, 2018
  • #13 in West Village

Carter's Review

This handsome and distinctive, 1912, 12-story printing factory at 90 Morton Street was converted by Brack Capital Real Estate in 2018 to 35 residential condominiums when several floors were added to its original 8 stories. 

Brack, a Dutch investment and development firm, acquired the property in 2014. 

Gottesman Szmlecman Architecture was the project's designer, and interiors were by Marc Turkel of Leroy Street Studio.

The building is also known as 627 Greenwich Street and has three commercial units. 

The building is a block south of the landmark St. Luke's Episcopal Church complex on Hudson Street that is across Greenwich Street from the landmark former Federal Archives Building. 

The building is also block away from the West Side Highway and the Hudson River. 

The building's top penthouse had a $37.5 million asking price in 2018.

Bottom Line

Unlike most rooftop additions, this Greenwich Village project does not try to cap its building with a surreptitious setback that is barely discernible from the street as most of the additions approved by the city's Landmarks Preservation Commission have; this is a bold, notable and interesting "Darth Vader" sculpting that transforms a bland factory structure into a "sock-it-to-me" raven's architectural eerie.



The two-story base of this building is clad in limestone blocks with a very attractive grill entrance and a 6-step-up vestibule.  

The base has handsome rectilinear lights, stacked in two sizes, that continue inside the garage entrance next to the main entrance. 

The main façades of the building are light-colored brick with broad, rectangular spandrels. 

The top of the building takes off like a Blackhawk helicopter with several dark metal-clad floors rising up with irregularity and some cantilevers.  The bottom corners of the addition are slightly projecting, large, dark framed windows from which one could imagine a battleship's huge turrets swinging out to defend the realm. 

The building has a two-story-high enclosed watertank tower and multipane fenestration. 


The building has a landscaped roof terrace with an outdoor kitchen, an 24-hour attended lobby, cold storage, a library, a fitness center with a 64-foot-long pool, a children's playroom and private car drop-off.


Apartment 7A is a four-bedroom unit with a 10-foot-wide entry foyer that leads to a 30-foot-long living/dining room with a 22-foot-wide open kitchen with an island. 

The townhome is a four-bedroom unit with 3,537 square feet of interior space and 631 square feet of outdoor space, a 7-foot-long entry foyer that leads to a 32-foot-long living room and a 19-foot-long dining room and an 18-foot-long open kitchen with an island.  Three of the bedrooms open onto a 49-foot-long narrow garden that turns into a 59-foot-long narrow garden. 

Penthouse 10B is a three-bedroom unit with 3,593 square feet of interior space and 532 square feet of outdoor space with a 7-foot-wide entry foyer that leads to a 35-foot-long living/dining room with a 25-foot-wide corner open kitchen that opens onto a 29-foot-long terrace. 

Apartment 3D is a two-bedroom unit with a 9-foot-wide entry foyer that leads to a 24-foot-long living/dining room and a 17-foot-long open kitchen with an island.

The Treadwell
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Lenox Hill
Comfortable elegance on the Upper East Side. Whole-life amenities + complimentary 1-year memberships to Sollis Health and Omacasa | Immediate occupancy
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