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The Cezanne, 61 Jane Street: Review and Ratings
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Carter Horsley's Building Review Carter Horsley
Dec 23, 2011
  • #17 in West Village

Carter's Review

This red-brick apartment house is one of the largest in the West Village. Erected in 1967, its 260 apartments were converted to cooperatives in 1987. The 19-story building is across Hudson Street from Abingdon Square Park and is not far from the meat-packing district to the northwest and Chelsea with its many restaurants and new art galleries to the north. This far west area of Greenwich Village has long attracted many writers and artists, which is probably the derivation of the building's name since the building's architecture is rather plain and sedate and not very reminiscent of Cezanne. The famed White Horse Bar where Dylan Thomas imbibed is not far away on Hudson Street, which turns into Eighth Avenue a couple of blocks to the north at 14th Street where there is an express subway station and crosstown bus service. Many of the most charming blocks in the Village are in the immediate vicinity and the Hudson River is just two blocks to the west.

The Treadwell
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Lenox Hill
Comfortable elegance on the Upper East Side. Whole-life amenities + complimentary 1-year memberships to Sollis Health and Omacasa | Immediate occupancy
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