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444 East 86th Street: Review and Ratings
444 East 86th Street
Doorman Co-Op in Yorkville
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Carter Horsley's Building Review Carter Horsley
Dec 23, 2011
  • #48 in Yorkville

Carter's Review

One of the larger towers on the Upper East Side, this 37-story apartment building was erected in 1974 and converted to a cooperative in 1983.

It has 315 apartments and many of those on the upper floors have impressive views.

The light beige-brick building, which has a two-story limestone base, is setback in a large, landscaped plaza. Another apartment tower across the street, the Channel Club, is also set back in a plaza, providing this location with a bit more "light and air" than most others along 86 th Street.

This building's entrance has a large metal canopy and a revolving door. The building has many balconies, a doorman, a concierge, a health club and a garage. It is just to the east of a large and very interesting apartment building with a richly textured, asymmetric façade. The center portion of this tower is not set back from 86th Street as much as its east and west wings, which gives the tower a slightly more interesting form.

This neighborhood is popular because of the proximity of Carl Schurz Park to the east and several fine private schools. There is excellent crosstown bus service, but the express subway station at Lexington Avenue is quite far away. Neighborhood shopping and restaurants are convenient.

Carter B. Horsley

One Domino Square
between South 3rd Street & South 4th Street
Spectacular Living on the Williamsburg Waterfront. One to three-bed condos by Annabelle Selldorf with wonderful views of NYC. Over 45,000 SF of amenities | Immediate Occupancy
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