Total Est. Monthly Carrying Cost:
$7,335 ($1.78/ft2)
Note: the above is based on a down payment of 20% ($250,000),
which is the minimum amount permitted by the building.
This is a package sale offering for two properties: 252 Melrose Street and 231 Suydam Street in the Bushwick neighborhood of Brooklyn. 231 Suydam Street is a fully attached, three story building measuring 25x55 SQFT with a full basement. The lot size is 25x100 SQFT. The zoning is R6 and the FAR is underutilized.
Each building has six, rent stabilized apartments.
Combined, there are twelve rentals with a gross income of $225,000 between the two properties. The occupancy rate is 83% with one vacancy in each building currently. The total purchase price for the package is $2,500,000.
Please inquire for a setup sheet with the current rent rolls and expenses.
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