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The Westmore, 333 West 57th Street: Review and Ratings
The Westmore, 333 West 57th Street
Doorman Co-Op in Midtown West
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Carter Horsley's Building Review Carter Horsley
Apr 11, 2012

Carter's Review

This attractive, 7-story condop apartment building at 333 West 57th Street is known as the Westmore and it contains 170 apartments. 

It was built in 1940 and goes through the block to 334-346 West 58th Street.

Bottom Line

The Westmore has an excellent West Side location around the corner from Columbus Circle, the Time-Warner Center and Central Park. 

The doorman, mid-rise building has a roof deck and is convenient to midtown offices, public transportation, the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, and restaurants.


The gray-brick building has a large entrance marquee and a stone entrance surround with sconces and a one-step-up entrance.  

The building, which has discrete air-conditioners and large bay windows, has a series of oculi on its top floor. 

It has a large, landscaped garden courtyard.


The building has a doorman, an impressive lobby, a roof deck, a laundry, storage.  It is pet-friendly.


Some apartments have sunken living rooms and windowed kitchens and beamed ceilings.

Apartment 2G has a 10-foot-long dining gallery and an enclosed kitchen and a sunken, 25-foot-long living room.

Apartment 4C has an entry foyer that leads to a dining gallery that steps down to a 24-foot-long living room with a window overlooking 58th Street.  It also has an enclosed kitchen and a 20-foot-long bedroom with a window over the building's interior garden.

Apartment 806 has a 13-foot-wide foyer that leads to a step-down, 23-foot-long living room with a large bay window at one end and a 9-foot-long dining room at the other.  It also has a 17-foot-long bedroom and an enclosed kitchen.

Apartment 304 has large bay windows in its 19-foot-long living room, its 21-foot-long master bedroom and its 12-foot-long second bedroom.  It also has a entry foyer that leads directly to a 15-foot-long dining area and an enclosed kitchen.


720 West End Avenue
between West 96th Street & West 95th Street
Riverside Dr./West End Ave.
Upper West Side condos from $995K near Riverside Park and the Hudson River. Occupancy 2025 | 30,000 SF of indoor/outdoor amenities.
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