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Galaxy 51, 51 West 81st Street: Review and Ratings
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Carter Horsley's Building Review Carter Horsley
Dec 23, 2011
  • #42 in Central Park West

Carter's Review

This very handsome, 13-story tower was erected in 1903 and has 112 apartments.

It overlooks Manhattan Square of the rear of the American Museum of Natural History that occupies the park. It is the western anchor of a very, very attractive block whose eastern anchor is the famous Beresford apartment building on Central Park West.

The brown-brick building has a rusticated marble lobby, a concierge, a two-step-up, canopied entrance, a two-story rusticated limestone base, sidewalk landscaping, protruding air-conditioners, and a rounded corner with rusticated quoins. It has no garage, no balconies, no health club and appears to have once had a cornice that is now absent.

This is a prime Upper West Side location that has excellent public transportation and is convenient to many boutiques and restaurants. There is considerable traffic in this area.

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